
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kayaking to Work

Kayaking to Work

2008_12_kayakcommute.jpgIf you thought your commute was rigorous, check this out: NYC school teacher Sean Patch commutes from NJ to Manhattan via kayak. Patch explained to WCBS880 that taking the ferry was expensive, so now he kayaks across the Hudson, radioing ferries to let them know he's there and navigating around other vessels, like oil tankers. The algebra teacher incorporates his unconventional commute into his class: "Mr. Patch kayaks to work. He bought the kayak for $850. He no longer has to pay for the ferry $7.75 each way. How much has he saved?" And FYI, the Downtown Boathouse offers winter kayaking classes in the Riverbank State Park swimming pool.


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