
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

His Stage, the Street; His Rapier, a Peeler

His Stage, the Street; His Rapier, a Peeler

Chad Schneider
Joe Ades demonstrating the use of his $5 vegetable peeler outside the Union Square Greenmarket. He died on Sunday.

Published: February 2, 2009

Somehow, Joe Ades got people’s attention as the crowds swirled by at the Union Square Greenmarket, on their way to eyeing and buying the produce. He was the white-haired man with the British accent, the expensive European suits and shirts — the man selling the $5 peeler. For carrots. Or potatoes.CLICK HERE TO READ MORE...[NYT]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow!
I saw this guy all the time going to Union Sq Farmer's Market.
He had an unforgettable technique. He was fascinating to watch. But I never saw anyone actually buy a peeler from him.

Bronx Bohemian