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Many fat women think they are slim (Irish Independent) One in four overweight women think they are thin because obesity has become so common that the image of what is a healthy weight has been lost, researchers have warned.
African-American News - December 4, 2010
The NAACP says a North Carolina county is just one of many school districts around the country losing ground on diversity.
Obama to sign historic settlement to black farmers (San Antonio Express-News)
President Barack Obama is set to sign the bill authorizing payment of $4.6 billion to settle claims that arose in class-action lawsuits. The newest efforts to advance civil rights has provided a case study in the complexity and flexibility of the American governing system.
African-American News a " December 3, 2010 (All Bronx News, All the Time!)
African-American News - December 3, 2010 Friday,December 3, 2010 African-American News - December 3, 2010 Amid outcry, council expels Turner Chuck Turner left the City Council chamber yesterday after a vote to expel him because of his bribery conviction. Kwanzaa founder lights NCCU kinara (Herald-Sun)
Brittany Peterson Maulana Karenga, the founder of Kwanzaa, addresses an attentive audience Thursday evening at a pre-Kwanzaa celebration at the Alfonso Elder Student Union at N.C. Central University. 
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