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City Will Send Ambulances to Save Organs
pilot program today to send out ambulances to save dying patients' kidneys for transplant. These special ambulance teams will monitor 911 calls and only respond to those where the patient cannot be resuscitated. Patients who die outside of hospitals are often not donors because too much time has passed after the heart stops beating. The program, which would be the first of its kind in the country, will have strict standards for who would qualify as a donor. For more, see Health Links in the News.
pilot program today to send out ambulances to save dying patients' kidneys for transplant. These special ambulance teams will monitor 911 calls and only respond to those where the patient cannot be resuscitated. Patients who die outside of hospitals are often not donors because too much time has passed after the heart stops beating. The program, which would be the first of its kind in the country, will have strict standards for who would qualify as a donor. For more, see Health Links in the News.

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