
Friday, December 3, 2010


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NYPD cracks down on 'working vacations'


Last Updated: 5:33 PM, December 2, 2010

Posted: 1:35 PM, December 2, 2010

A new NYPD crackdown will ban cops from working during paid vacation time — a policy that could put a crimp in crimefighting during times when it’s needed most, The Post has learned.

The NYPD’s Office of Management Analysis and Planning directive goes into effect Jan. 1, and is estimated to save the city an annual $4.1 million.

But one angry cop official noted the policy will effectively cut cops’ salaries — and union officials predict it will hurt patrol numbers during the crime-busy holidays when most officers usuallly take their "working" vacations.

"The sentiment among my membership is disappointment to say the least," said Michael Palladino, head of the Detectives Endowment Association.

"We’re trying to determine if we have any legal, contractual recourse to challenge this."

The cost-cutting comes as part of Mayor Bloomberg’s order that every agency tighten their belts to trim the deficit; the city is estimating savings of $1.6 billion over the next 18 months with various cost-cutting directives.

The NYPD’s ban is one way it’s offering savings: The cops have been traditionally allowed to work through one week of their paid vacation every year — picking up both their vacation dough and straight-time working money.

"[The ban] effectively is a salary cut for a lot of cops and detectives," said one angry police official.

The "working" vacation was first devised during New York’s fiscal nightmare in the mid-1970s — and widely accepted as a win-win for cops and the department.

Hundreds of officers traditionally picked the last weeks of the year to take their "working" vacations, sources noted.

And while the cops got to make extra dough, the department would have the staffing for a period when crime tends to soar.

"It would appear to be cheaper to exchange vacation days at straight time for cash than to fill that void on overtime," Palladino noted.

"It’s either that — or they’ll be short-staffed."

Paul Browne, a spokesman for the NYPD, said the change in policy was effective immediately, but that it wouldn't affect "working" vacations already approved.

He said 2,634 cops took part in the "working" vacation option this year, and downplayed the significance of its ban -- saying it adds up to just 49 fewer cops on a force of 35,000. In 2002, the NYPD had 41,000 cops.

But PBA president Patrick Lynch said the ban doesn't make any fiscal sense.

“At a time when the NYPD is being cut by another 1,100 police officer, the City is eliminating a program ... that provides police protection to the city in a cost effective manner," he said. "The results will be that the city will have to staff these positions on overtime... It seems foolish to eliminate a common sense program.”

With additional reporting by David Seifman


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