

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jasmina Anema battling leukemia needs marrow - fast

Jasmina Anema battling leukemia needs marrow - fast

Saturday, March 28th 2009, 8:09 AM

Giancarli for News

Jasmina Anema, age 6, pictured in her room inside NYU Medical Center. She is fighting leukemia and hoping for a bone marrow match and donor.

The courageous Brooklyn leukemia victim's cancer cells have multiplied in recent days, prompting doctors to put the 6-year-old through a fourth bout of painful chemotherapy this week.

"Every time we give her a course of chemotherapy and there are still residual leukemic cells, it means her chance of beating this is going to be less," Dr. William Carroll, of the NYU Medical Center, said yesterday. "We're going to continue to do this because I do think there's a chance we can beat this."

The chemotherapy is especially critical because Jasmina can receive a bone-marrow transplant only if her cancer cells are in remission.

A recent test showed her killer cells recently shot up to 10% from 8%, her mother said. Still, Jasmina's spirit and strength have stunned her loved ones and doctors alike.

"Her energy is beyond belief," her mom, Theodora Anema, said. "She's not even tired. She's still up and about and dancing until 12 o'clock every night."

Carroll added, "She has more energy and passion than, I think, any child I've ever seen dealing with leukemia."

Although thousands of New Yorkers captivated by Jasmina's heartbreaking tale already have registered to be bone marrow donors, a perfect match has yet to be found.

Finding a match - which would most likely come from an African-American - is especially difficult because Jasmina is adopted and has no sibling.

A donor drive is scheduled for tomorrow in Harlem and requires only a cheek swab.

"Please, please come out," Theodora Anema said. "It's important not just for Jasmina, but for the whole world for people to come out and get registered."

Jasmina's bone-marrow donor drive will take place tomorrow at the Harlem Children Zone at 35 E. 125th St. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those who cannot make it to the donor drive can register to become a donor online at