

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Russell Simmons's New Rush Card: Akin to "Pimping" Poor Black People

Well Simmons claims to be doing this out of the bottom of his heart; an overwhelming desire to help poor black people participate in the consumerist lifestyle created and maintained by bourgeoisie elites. Naturally such goodness could not go unrewarded. The associated fees amount to highway robbery; they even include a dollar a day convenience fee. Convenient for whom I wonder?

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Rev. Shannon Wright To Run For New Jersey Governor

*An African American woman has entered the race for New Jersey governor.

The Rev. Shannon Wright launched her bid as an Independent within days of stepping down as campaign manager for Republican candidate Brian Levine

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Washingtonian Puts Half Naked Obama On Cover; Disrespectful? (Photo)

*The President of the United States and his bare chest grace the May cover of Washingtonian magazine in an issue featuring a list of "Reasons We Love Washington."

The Commander-in-Briefs ranks No. 2 on the tally. His position is explained with the accompanying phrase, "Our neighbor is hot."

Some critics are calling the cover disrespectful, asking if the magazine would put similar shirtless photos of Presidents Clinton, Bush or Reagan on a cover. But Washingtonian editor at large defends his latest decision.

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