

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Dear Friend,

After theatrical and community screenings in hundreds of cities across the country, and after a journey from Sundance to the Oscars, from New Orleans to Capitol Hill, Trouble the Water is coming to TV!

Trouble the Water makes its U.S. television debut on HBO on Thursday, April 23rd at 8:30 PM ET/PT.

We hope you can tune in.

We're excited that this story will reach so many people on a single night. But we know that not everyone has HBO, so if you do, consider inviting a friend over.

www.troublethewater gotHBO

If you don't have HBO, you probably know someone who does: click below to email a friend to find out if he or she has HBO and make a plan to watch together.

www.troublethewater noHBO

We are so grateful for your support along this journey, spreading the word about the film and ensuring that Gulf Coast recovery remains part of the national conversation.


Carl Deal & Tia Lessin 
directors/producers of Trouble the Water

P.S. Many of you have asked about getting your own copy of Trouble the Water. Zeitgeist Films is releasing the consumer DVD this summer; we'll let you know as soon as it's available.

Got HBO?  No HBO?